Sunday, May 22, 2016

[奇幻小說英文] [冰與火之歌] 馬

<從舊部落格轉過來的文章 2013.04.25>



courser 和charger都是指戰馬,destrier的話是戰馬中常常被用來騎去長矛比賽用的。palfrey是一般供騎乘的馬,婦女也可以騎乘的。garron是拿來做工的馬,體型比較小但是比較穩健。

以性別區分的話,stallion是指公馬,沒有被閹過 (gelded) 的。母馬是mare,被閹過的公馬是gelding。


courser, charger, destrier 戰馬
palfrey 一般供騎乘的馬
garron 工作的小型馬
stallion 公馬
mare 母馬
gelding 閹過的公馬
piebald 雜色馬

以下是一些冰與火裡面用到這些字的句子 :

Prince Joffrey's mount was a blood bay courser, swift as the wind, and he rode it with reckless abandon, so fast that Sansa was hard-pressed to keep up on her mare. (A Game of Thrones)

The horse. She had seen the stallion, had heard it kicking, but she had not understood. Destriers were trained to kick and bite. In war they were a weapon, like the men who rode them. Like the Hound. (A Feast for Crows)

His palfrey was a blood bay, his destrier a magnificent grey stallion. It had been long years since Jaime had named any of his horses; he had seen too many die in battle, and that was harder when you named them. (A Feast for Crows)

A great jumble of fallen rock blocked their way partway up, where a section of the cliff face had fallen, but the surefooted little garrons were able to pick their way through. (A Clash of Kings)

King Joffrey followed on a tall grey palfrey, a golden crown set upon his golden curls. Sansa Stark rode a chesnut mare at his side, looking neither right nor left, her thick auburn hair flowing to her shoulders beneath a net of moonstones. (A Clash of Kings)

Robb came back to her on a different horse, riding a piebald gelding in the place of the grey stallion he had taken down into the valley. (A Game of Thrones)

參考資料 :

[奇幻小說英文] [冰與火之歌] 衣物

<從舊部落格轉來的文章 2013.04.25>


Tunic (外衣 上衣 長度至大腿或腳踝)

Petticoat 蓬襯裙或是與上衣分開穿的裙子

Hauberk 鎖子甲上衣 (a shirt of mail)

Greave 護脛(小腿)盔甲
Vambrace 前臂護具
panoply 全副盔甲
Chausse 護腿 (通常是鎖子甲組成的)
gorget 護喉
gauntlet 盔甲手套

Cowl 蒙頭斗篷
Mantle 披風
Mantle在比較近代的小說也會出現。這個字還有好幾個不同的意思,做為名詞還有地函的意思,地科裡面稱地殼以下,地核以上的部分。另外還有權力的象徵。例如,Inherit the mantle代表繼承衣缽。做為動詞這個字還有覆蓋、掩藏的意思。

以下是冰與火裡面用到這些字的例子 :  

Otherwise his dress was plain: studded leather jerkin over quilted doublet, worn boots, breeches of brown roughspun. (A Clash of Kings)

Cursing, Tyrion stripped and dressed again, in simpler garb; black woolen breeches, an old white tunic, and a faded brown leather jerkin. It doesn't matter, he told himself as he waited for moonrise. (A Storm of Swords)

He had to make do with oddments assembled from Lord Lefford's wagons: mail hauberk and coif, a dead knight's gorget, lobstered greaves and gauntlets and pointed steel boots. (A Game of Thrones)

He wore a dark grey robe with the cowl pulled forward, but when a thin sliver of moonlight touched his cheek, she knew him at once by the blotchy skin and web of broken veins beneath. (A Clash of Kings)

Sandor Clegane stood at his shoulder in a plain brown doublet and green mantle, his burned face hideous in the morning light. (A Game of Thrones)

 參考資料 :

[奇幻小說英文][冰與火之歌] 航海篇

<從舊部落格轉過來的文章 2013.04.26>


首先是有關船的部位的名字。在船上給指示的時候,通常不會說到船的左邊集合、到船的後面集合,船的前後左右有特別的名字,比較不容易混淆。船的前側叫做bow,後側叫做Stern,右側是starboard,左側是port。船通常都用port側靠港,高級軍官的寢室通常在starboard側。方向的話,往前是foward,往後是aftprow是船首往前凸出水面的部分。中古時代的大船,都是帆船,帆本身是sail,越大的船越多桅 (mast),也就是垂直綁了帆的柱子,材料的圓柱叫spar。快速航行的時候靠風力,但是要靠港的時候,就要把帆收起來(furl the sail),改用人力(oarsman)划槳(oar)。船殼是hull,船的龍骨是keel。甲板(deck)邊緣船的上緣叫做gunwale。如果你趴在船邊吐,那就是趴在gunwale上。船長掌的向方向盤一樣的舵(helm)是控制船的最後的方向舵,方向舵的軸心是tiller,葉片是rudder,飛機尾端垂直翼上控制左右的葉片也是rudder。停船(moor)的時候要拋錨(anchor)。要離港的話就要解纜、解錨(unmoor)。


帆的配置有分縱帆 (fore-and-aft rigged) 及橫帆 (square rigged),還有Lateen or latin-rig 是一種三角帆。


Galley是戰船,有帆也有大批的槳手,設計用來衝撞對方的船或者是捉對廝殺用的。schooner是一種雙桅帆船,前桅比後桅要矮。brigatine是前帆為橫帆,後帆為縱帆的雙桅帆船。skiff是小船,休閒或捕魚用的,不一定有帆。Sloop是單桅的船。carrack是十五世紀葡萄牙人發展出來的三至四桅的帆船,可以長途航行做探險或商務之用。dhow是阿拉伯的lateen rigged的單桅帆船。






Ambergris 龍涎香

Pirates, Privateers, Buccaneers, Corsairs通常中文都翻成海盜。pirates大家比較熟,就是攻擊其他船隻來搶劫財物或綁架換贖金的人。privateers比較像傭兵,收了錢幫人家打仗的船隻和船員。Buccaneers (也是坦帕灣的美式足球隊的名字,坦帕灣海盜隊)是特指十七世紀末,一開始是在海上販賣肉品給其他船隻,後來發現用搶的比較快的那群人。英、法、西都有在雇用他們。corsairs是特指外國海盜,特別是伊斯蘭和法國的。曾經有黑多伊斯蘭海盜霸佔著地中海。在海盜的黃金時代(1650-1730),法國的海盜也被稱為corsairs


Bow 船前側
Prow 船前側
Stern 船後側
Port 船左側
Starboard 船右側
Forward 往船前
Aft 往船後
spar (船用)圓材、圓杆
fore-and-aft rigged sail 縱帆
square rigged sail 橫帆
lateen 三角帆
Oarsman 划槳手
Gunwale 船緣
Tiller 舵軸
Rudder 舵葉片
Hull 船身
Prow 船前側在水面以上突出去的部位
bilge 船底部通常在水下的部分
Sextant 六分儀
Forecastle 艏樓、前部的水手艙
aftcastle or sterncastle 船尾艙房,通常是船長的艙房
Barnacle 藤壺
Capsize, careen v. 把船上下翻轉
Furl v. 收帆
Moor v. 停靠
Moorage n. 停靠
Flotsam 遇難船隻的飄浮殘骸
Galley 戰船
Galleass 主要用槳推動的戰船
carrack 大型商船
Schooner 雙桅帆船
brigatine 前桅為橫帆,後桅為縱帆的雙桅帆船
Sloop 單桅帆船
dhow 阿拉伯單桅三角帆船
Skiff 小船
Corsair 海盜
Heel v. 船因風力或離心力往側邊傾斜
hulk 廢船

To the west, in the shadows of Sunspear's massive walls, mud-brick shops and windowless hovels clung to the castle like barnacles to a galley’s hull. (A Feast for Crows)

From prow and stern and mast flew familiar banners. (A Feast for Crows)

The decks tilted, creaking, as the galleas Titan’s Daughter heeled to starboard and began to come about. (A Feast for Crows)

"It's there," Lewys said. "Four oarsmen. The galley is anchored just past the point. Mad Prendos.” (A Storm of Swords)

Half a hundred buckets of seawater still hung from the gunwales, in case of fires. (A Storm of Swords)

Brienne moved the tiller and the skiff sheared left, sail rippling. (A Storm of Swords)

There are dangers at sea as well. Corsairs and pirates hunt the southern route, and north of Valyria the Smoking Sea is demon-haunted. (A Storm of Swords)

Sometimes the storm winds blow so strong a man has no choice but to furl his sails. (A Storm of Swords)

He could see Salladhor Saan's flagship Valyrian moored at the quay where Fury and her sisters had once tied up. (A Storm of Swords)

The oarsmen were backing water frantically, trying to avoid a collision that could capsize them or stove their hull in. The old man had wrenched the rudder about, and the horse at the prow was swinging downstream, but too slowly. (A Storm of Swords)

Lord Stannis’s Fury, a triple-decked war galley of three hundred oars, looked almost small beside some of the big-bellied carracks and cogs that surrounded her. (A Clash of Kings)

The charred spars of sunken hulks sat in the shallows, forbidding access to the long stone quays. (A Storm of Swords)


[奇幻小說英文][冰與火] 城堡篇

<從舊部落格轉過來的文章 2013.04.27>

從Merriam-Webster Visual Dictionary找到的這張圖算是很清楚的城堡部位圖解。以下挑出書裡常出現的講解。
moat是護城河,drawbrige是可以升起放下跨過護城河的橋。gatehouse、guardhouse是門口的大樓,barbican是守望樓,守護大門一帶的區域。Keep是城堡的主樓,bailey或ward都是指前庭、內庭,gatehouse的大門通常是升降閘門叫做portcullis,上方有孔洞可以往下面來攻擊的敵人倒下熱油,那個孔洞叫murder hole。城牆四周的尖塔是turret,牆壁上有供弓箭手射箭出去的小洞叫crenel (垛口)。鋸齒狀的城牆上層總稱battlement,鋸齒狀的部分叫parapet (城垛),城垛高起的部分叫merlon (城齒)。城堡的邊門叫postern。外圍的防禦壁壘叫做rampart。某些城堡更外圍還有木製柵欄palisade。管理城堡的堡主是castellan。

書中常提到的一種城堡型式叫做Motte and Bailey土壘內庭式的城堡。像是下圖的英國溫莎堡就是土壘內庭式城堡。中央有一個圓型的keep在土壘 (motte) 上,左右有兩區bailey。

moat 護城河
drawbridge 升降橋
gatehouse 門樓
barbican 望樓
keep 主樓
bailey, ward 前庭、內庭
portcullis 升降閘門
murder hole 屠口
turret 塔樓
battlement 胸牆
parapet 城垛
crenel 垛口
merlon 城齒
postern 邊門
rampart 壁壘
palisade 柵欄
castellan 堡主
motte 土壘

From its window, she could see that the heavy iron portcullis in the gatehouse was down, and the drawbridge drawn up over the deep dry moat that separated the keep-within-a-keep from the larger castle that surrounded it. (A Game of Thrones)
He had never thought to find a stone castle on the far side of the Wall, but he had pictured some sort of motte-and-bailey with a wooden palisade and a timber tower keep. (A Clash of Kings)
A small castle dominated the town; no more than a holdfast, really, a single tall square keep with a bailey and a curtain wall. (A Storm of Swords)
She was about to say as much when she saw the battlements ahead, long parapets built into the very stone of the mountains on either side of them. (A Game of Thrones)
The battlements bristled with spears and swords and scorpions, there was an archer at every crenel and arrow slit, the drawbridge was up, the portcullis down, the gates closed and barred. (A Game of Thrones)
And above it all, frowning down from Aegon’s high hill, was the Red Keep; seven huge drum-towers crowned with iron ramparts, an immense grim barbican, vaulted halls and covered bridges, barracks and dungeons and granaries, massive curtain walls studded with archers’ nests, all fashioned of pale red stone. (A Game of Thrones)
Its great curtain wall was a hundred feet high, unbroken by arrow slit or postern, everywhere rounded, curving, smooth, its stones fit so cunningly together that nowhere was crevice nor angle nor gap by which the wind might enter. (A Clash of Kings)
He swept the flame low before him, looking for . . . there. On the inside of the rampart and in the wide crenel between two upthrust merlons. (A Clash of Kings)
The castellan at Winterfell is a brave man, but age has stiffened his wits as well as his limbs. (A Clash of Kings)
Three iron grates closed the inner passage, each locked and chained and protected by a murder hole. (A Storm of Swords)

城堡事典 作者/池上正太、ORG 譯者/高胤喨 (

[奇幻小說英文][冰與火之歌] 武器篇

<從我舊部落格轉過來的文章 2013.04.28>

中世紀的弓大致有longbow和crossbow,也就是一般弓和十字弓。longbow用的箭是arrow,crossbow用的箭叫quarrel或bolt。弦是bowstring。箭頭是point,箭身是shaft,箭羽是fletching,箭尾有一個小凹槽讓弦扣上的地方叫nock。nock做為動詞也是放箭上弓的意思,與notch同。裝箭的箭袋叫quiver。發射一支箭叫loose an arrow。


長劍是sword應該大家都知道。劍的把柄部位叫做hilt,包含了防止手被對方戳到用的guard、握把grip,以及最尾端的一個球狀物pommel。劍刃是blade。書中有提過一種叫bastard sword,雜種劍,是介於單手劍和雙手劍之間尺寸的劍。收劍的鞘是scabbard。收劍的動詞是sheathe,拔劍是unsheathe。dirk是短劍,匕首是dagger,falchion是彎刃大刀。Battle axe是戰斧,poleaxe是有長柄的戰斧。scythe書中比較少出現,是像死神拿的那種長柄鐮刀。

長矛 (長槍) 是spear。專門設計給騎士用的長矛是lance。長槍比賽jousting用的就是lance。比武大會tournament or tourney除了jousting以外,還有大混戰melee (mêlée) 。jousting比賽的場地叫list。
jousting with lances

mace是尾端是球狀的棍棒。Morning star是帶刺的釘頭錘,頭部通常是帶刺的球形。類似的武器還有本書沒出現的流星錘Flail。
morning stars

Siege weapons是攻城用的武器。ram是用來撞破城門的大圓柱,catapult是小型投石機,trebuchet是大型投石機,投石的部位像彈弓一樣的。mangonel也是大型投石機,投石的部位是碗狀的。Siege tower是用來讓士兵爬城牆的塔。書中還有一種叫scorpion的武器,雖然不是攻城用的,但是是利用投石機原理發射箭的武器,中文稱弩砲。
battering ram



siege tower


Longbow 長弓
Crossbow 十字弓
Arrow 箭
Quarrel/bolt 十字弓用箭
Bowstring 弦
Shaft 箭身
Fletching 箭羽
Nock 箭尾端搭弦處, v. 將(箭)搭上弦
Notch v. 將(箭)搭上弦
Quiver 箭袋
Sword 劍
Hilt 劍柄
Pommel 劍柄的圓球
Scabbard 鞘
Sheathe v. 收劍入鞘
Unsheathe v. 拔劍出鞘
Blade 劍刃
Dirk 短劍
Dagger 匕首
Falchion 彎刃大刀
Battle axe 戰斧
Poleaxe 長柄大斧
Scythe 長柄鐮刀
Spear 長矛 長槍
Lance 騎兵用長矛
Tournament/tourney 比武大賽
Jousting 長槍比賽
List 長槍比賽場地
Melee/mêlée 混戰
Mace  尾端有圓球或鈍器的棍棒
Morning star 晨星錘
Flail 流星錘
Siege 圍城 攻城
Ram 攻城槌、撞木
Catapult 小型投石機
Trebuchet 大型投石機
Mangonel 大型投石機
Siege tower 攻城塔
Scorpion 弩砲
Caltrop 鐵蒺藜

Quarrels and arrows sped back and forth. Watty fell with a grunt, his bow slipping from his hand. Kyle was trying to nock another shaft to his string when a man in black mail flung a spear through his belly. (A Storm of Swords)
“We’ve planted iron spikes under the water, y’see, and there’s caltrops scattered among them rocks there. It’s the same on all the fords, by your brother’s command.”(A Clash of Kings)
Joffrey jerked the trigger on the crossbow. The bolt missed by two feet. (A Clash of Kings)
Jon hung a quiver from his belt and pulled an arrow. The shaft was black, the fletching grey. As he notched it to his string, he remembered something that Theon Greyjoy had once said after a hunt. (A Storm of Swords)
The hilt had been fashioned new for him, adorned with a wolf’s-head pommel in pale stone, but the blade itself was Valyrian steel, old and light and deadly sharp. (A Clash of Kings)
Many of the travelers were armed; Arya saw daggers and dirks, scythes and axes, and here and there a sword. (A Clash of Kings)
A lion-headed mace, a poleaxe, and a crossbow had been hung on the walls. The poleaxe would be clumsy to wield inside a castle, and the mace was too high to reach, but a large wood-and-iron chest had been placed against the wall directly under the crossbow. (A Storm of Swords)
I know of every hedge knight, freerider, and upjumped squire of any skill who has ever presumed to break a lance in the lists. (A Storm of Swords)
The tourney Lord Whent staged at Harrenhal beside the Gods Eye, in the year of the false spring. A notable event. Besides the jousting, there was a mêlée in the old style fought between seven teams of knights, as well as archery and axe-throwing, a horse race, a tournament of singers, a mummer show, and many feasts and frolics. (A Storm of Swords)
He had emptied the armory to put good steel in their hands; big double-bladed axes, razor-sharp daggers, longswords, maces, spiked morningstars. (A Storm of Swords)
Great siege engines lined the grassy verge of the roseroad, mangonels and trebuchets and rolling rams mounted on wheels taller than a man on horseback. (A Clash of Kings)
The stonemasons are strengthening the walls, carpenters are building scorpions and catapults by the hundred, fletchers are making arrows, the smiths are forging blades, and the Alchemists’ Guild has pledged ten thousand jars of wildfire. (A Clash of Kings)

參考資料 :
武器事典 作者/市川定春 譯者/林哲逸、高胤喨 (